如果閣下付了行程的部分定金, 則:
a, 如果出發日期, 行程價格及內容均跟我方網上符合, 客服同事會馬上確認 不作另行通知. 訂金此時不作任何退款.
b, 如果出發日期, 行程價格及內容跟我方網上不符合, 客服同事會向閣下提出所以替代方案, 如閣下不同意, 訂金可全退.
If your order only pays the deposit of a product:
a, if the product has available seats on the departure date and price and contents are the same as the order you placed, the booking would be confirmed by us without additional notification to you, and the deposit is not refundable.
b, if the product has no available seats or price or contents are not the same, we might provide alternative options. If you do not agree with the options, the deposit is refundable.