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本行程一週二班:週一08:00出發,週三16:00 返回;週五08:00出發-週日16:00返回
奇亞納號(Kiana)誕生於1990年,開航至今超過20年,外觀透露出復古的氣息,但內部的舒適享受,絕對令人流連忘返,也征服瞭許多要求很高的遊客,3天2夜的帆船遊體驗絕對精采,體積達16.4米,載客量僅14名,服務超優質,船體超舒適平穩,空調房間,寬敞的甲板,無論您想享受日光浴或是觀賞美麗海景,絕對放鬆全身神經,毫無壓力,當然,出海遊玩一 定少不瞭潛水動態活動也具備,專業的免費浮潛用具,經驗豐富的浮潛教練,讓您輕鬆暢遊美麗的海洋世界!更驚奇的是,想要深潛的朋友,本行程還免費包含一次專業教練帶領的深潛喔!
8:30一早快樂出航,白色天堂海灘遊玩戲水,希爾灣觀景臺,島上森林步道Bush Walk,在聖靈群島及無人島海灣浮潛活動,享用船上露天SPA池,全程餐飲,冷熱水淋浴,船上小酒吧,季節賞鯨(7月~9月)
前往聖靈群島74個無人島外海,大堡礁中段-外堡礁Bait Reef區域,全天候在美麗礁群無限次浮潛,今天贈送第一次免費深潛(體驗/持牌深潛活動),而你可以享受第2次潛水(船上自費$80), 第3次深潛(船上自費$70),天氣允許時間又充足的情況下可以加訂第4次深潛(船上自費$50)
聖靈群島74個離島之間風帆悠遊,船長會選最佳的潛點和無人島海灣從事浮潛活動(可自費參加體驗/持牌深潛活動),享用船上露天SPA,冷熱水淋浴,船上小酒吧,季節賞鯨(7月~9月),下午16:00時快樂返回Airlie Beach小鎮的Abel Point港
Kiana is fully equipped for Scuba Diving. All dive gear is included in the tour price. Kiana is fitted with a high capacity compressor on board, capable of filling 6 Scuba tanks simultaniously, so your diving is not limited by the number of tanks that can be carried.
Pre-CheckIn請於開船前2小時或前1天(07:30~16:00)至碼頭船公司辦公室報到登記 ( Address : 8/390 Shute Harbour Road, Airlie Beach Queensland 4802 )
Coral Sea Marina, Airlie Beach 自行前往碼頭,請開船前30分鐘抵達
Morning tea: Tea, coffee and fruit cake
Lunch: Cold meat platter served with freshly prepared tossed salad, coleslaw, potato salad and fresh bread rolls
Afternoon tea: Fruit platter
Pre-dinner snacks: Olives, cheese, corn chips, salsa, peanuts, chips and a selection of dips
Dinner: Export quality lamb and fresh vegetables
Day two
Breakfast: A selection of cereals, fruit platter and toast
Morning tea: Lamingtons served with tea and coffee
Lunch: Satay chicken and rice served with freshly prepared tossed salad, Waldorf salad and vegetable salad
Afternoon tea: Chocolate chip cookies served with tea and coffee
Pre-dinner Snacks: Water crackers, pate, savoury biscuits, cheese, kabana, gherkins, carrot and celery sticks with a selection of dips
Dinner: Spaghetti bolognese served with garlic bread, prepared from scratch by our chef using premium ground beef and fresh ingredients
Dessert: Mango and apple crepes served with freshly whipped cream
Day three
Breakfast: A selection of cereals, fruit platter and toast
Morning tea: Swiss rolls served with tea and coffee
Lunch: Cold meat platter served with salad, veggie bake, pasta salad and fresh rolls
Please note this is a sample menu and is subject to change and amendments. This vessel may have a dietary surcharge for some requests and does not cater for vegans.
注意: FIT TRAVEL 將會使用出團供應商的取消條款. 只有出團供應商需要收取取消費用的情況下我們才會相應收取( FIT TRAVEL 本身並不收取額外取消費用 ).
對於本行程產品的取消條款, 供應商保留最終解釋權.
如果閣下付了行程的部分定金, 則: a, 如果出發日期, 行程價格及內容均跟我方網上符合, 客服同事會馬上確認 不作另行通知. 訂金此時不作任何退款.
b, 如果出發日期, 行程價格及內容跟我方網上不符合, 客服同事會向阁下提出所以替代方案, 如阁下不同意, 訂金可全退.
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