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浪漫的凱恩斯大堡礁魔幻之旅,超高性價比的"魔幻麗礁號"又稱珊瑚魔幻號(Reef Magic)大堡礁之旅,長時間在大堡礁平臺上5小時遊玩時間,凱恩斯摩爾外海大堡礁(Moore Reef)超值豐富一日遊,無團客,精緻大堡礁海上平臺體驗+ 五小時平臺停留+豐盛日式西式含海鮮午餐+海底漫步Helmet Diving 或 潛水Scuba Diving (2選1 ),此行程包含的免費項目多, 是不錯的出海選擇!
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Amazing Journey - 物超所值
Absolutely recommend this for a first-time visit to the reef! The catamaran boat provided a comfortable and smooth journey that day. The crew was fantastic, making the entire trip enjoyable. They even added a touch of local entertainment on the return trip. Lunch was great, and the endless supply of snacks onboard was a nice touch. We participated in various activities like helicopter ride, snorkeling, and helmet diving. Unfortunately, due to the weather no good, canceled the helmet diving last minute, but the refund was processed promptly. The semi-submersible and glass-bottom boat tours are a must-do – you get a clearer view of coral and fish, perfect for snapping some amazing photos. The helicopter ride was out of this world, offering a detailed and entertaining commentary from the flight captain. The crew’s coordination in organizing activities was seamless, ensuring we had time for lunch and rest without clashing with other activities. Truly an enjoyable trip, and kudos to FIT for the excellent recommendation. Great value for money!
绝对推荐给第一次参观珊瑚礁的人!那Catamaran船超舒服又顺利,行程一点波澜都没有。船员们太棒了,让整个旅程充满乐趣。甚至在回程时搞了点本地娱乐。午餐很不错,船上供应的无尽零食也很贴心。我们参与了各种活动,如直升机飞行、浮潜和头盔潜水。可惜头盔潜水因为天气原因被取消了,但退款办得很迅速。半潜水艇和玻璃底船的旅行一定不能错过 – 在水下可以看到更清晰的珊瑚和鱼,绝对是拍照的好地方 直升机飞行让人惊叹不已,航飞行队长还讲解得详细又风趣。船员在组织活动安排方面协调一致,确保我们有时间吃午餐和休息,而不会与其他活动冲突。真是一次愉快的旅行,感谢FIT travel 给这么棒出色推荐的建议。物超所值!
Arthur 1 year ago
Reef cruise
A fortnight ago, I went snorkelling at the Great Barrier Reef. It was a magnificent experience. The place we went to was easy to reach and the water was practically transparent! The sea was ample with life; we saw many things like fish, octopuses, and even sea turtles swimming alongside us. The wetsuit and mask provided were of high quality and made the experience comfortable and enjoyable, it didn’t leak water in, the mask was thoroughly sanitised and they gave us some tips on how to stop the mask from fogging up. A clear and extensive briefing on how to stay safe was provided before the activity and guides were very experienced in navigating around the snorkelling area. The highlight was the octopus we saw in the coral. The guide knew the octopus and the octopus was very trusting of the guide. My sister thought it was cute. Overall, the scenery underwater was stunning. Aside from the snorkelling activity, food and drinks were also provided, as well as underwater photography services. I highly recommend this to anyone who has yet to do this. This activity will let you see how diverse and beautiful the Great Barrier Reef is.
Nathan 1 year ago